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4 JULY 2023

Hi there XXXX!

FiddleBop. Photo: Mark Powell
FiddleBop! From left to right it's Graeme, Dave, Paul, Jo. Photo by Mark Powell, click to enlarge

Well, here we are. Just about at the high-tide mark of summer Smiley.

And while it isn't all that summery at the moment, you might be glad — unless you are reading this in the frozen wastes of the north — that the early summer heat has been turned down a notch or two. (I am. Glad, that is. Not living in the frozen Arctic.)

Music-wise, it's also been hot work for FiddleBop so far this spring and summer. So here's a quick recap of what we've been up to since the last FiddleBop Newsletter, back in March.

The Bank Vault, Aberystwyth
The Bank Vault, Aberystwyth. In April, a good time was had by all! Click to enlarge

OK, it's April. FiddleBop have just been scoffing early-season chips on Aberystwyth's short pier, enjoying (?) the bracing wind off the sea. Suitably stuffed, we wander back the way we came and enter a bank, then strike up the "Gypsy jazz re-imagined"! OK, actually, a former bank. Busking in a currently-operational financial establishment, maybe to beg for an overdraft, would be low behaviour. Even by FiddleBop's low standards.

The Bank Vault, Aberystwyth is a popular cafe-bar not far from Aberystwyth seafront. Very popular with students, it seemed to us. So there we are on the lofty heights of the Bank Vault's stage, Gypsy-jazzing it with our usual enthusiasm. A very good time was had by all. Not least, by us. Of course!

The Rose and Crown, Oxford
The Rose and Crown, Oxford. Just looking at it makes me thirst for a pint of Old Hooky! Click to enlarge

Next: the merry month of May. And not long after it began, there was FiddleBop cooking up some "Gypsy jazz re-imagined" in a kitchen. Again, actually a kind-of kitchen. This was an Oxford Jazz Kitchen gig. Thanks, Trish! And so FiddleBop triumphantly returned to the wonderfully friendly Rose and Crown, Oxford. Thanks Andrew and family!

Jo at the Rose and Crown, Oxford
Jo at the Rose and Crown, Oxford. Looking mischievous, or what? Click to enlarge

This was a really fun gig for all of us, but for Jo and Dave in particular. We met up with lots of old friends — "old" in the sense of "known for a long time", of course. And all of us in FiddleBop made some new friends. And Andrew the landlord was as hospitable as ever.

Dancers at the Rose and Crown, Oxford
Those exuberant dancers at the Rose and Crown, Oxford. Yaaaay! Click to enlarge

As for the exuberant dancing by the exuberant audience... well! Words fail me! Maybe a photo will help... We also got a video of our performance, which is a nice bonus. Dave is currently editing this. Which means, probably, that it will never be finished.

Later in May, the weather began to seriously warm up. We all began to feel a bit more summery and happy. At first, anyway. And it was time for FiddleBop to make some hot Gypsy-tinged jazz music in a hotbed of philosophical erudition: at the HowTheLightGetsIn festival at Hay-on-Wye. No other festival is quite like this, folks.

"Forget your perfect offering.
There is a crack, a crack, in everything.
That’s how the light gets in."

HowTheLightGetsIn Festival, Hay-on-Wye
HowTheLightGetsIn Festival, Hay-on-Wye. Click to enlarge

HowTheLightGetsIn aims to "bring together philosophers, writers, academics, comedians and musicians for a festival of debate, talks, music, workshops, and late night parties". All that, a delightful spot beside the Wye, and hot-hot-hot weather too! Cool pints of Rosie-the-Pig rhubard-flavoured cider went down a rare treat. Medicinally, of course.

FiddleBop at HowTheLightGetsIn Festival, June 2023
FiddleBop in the Blue Moon tent at HowTheLightGetsIn Festival, June 2023. Click to enlarge

FiddleBop played twice during HTLGI (as the festival is catchily known by the in-crowd). We enjoyed every minute of both sets. The second one was videoed by our friend Baze: look forward to more FiddleBop on the small screen soon, folks! And we even learned a thing or two from the talks which we attended.

So we come to June. A flaming June it was, too. At the start of the month, FiddleBop made our sweaty way towards a former electrical goods retail outlet. Why? Well, the "Old Electric" in Hay-on-Wye is usually a cafe and shop, but "during Hay Festival, it turns into a music venue and cocktail bar". We had great support here, from Harvey and Nike of The Brakes.

Upton Jazz Festival 2023 logo
Upton Jazz Festival 2023. Click to enlarge

Then FiddleBop's second June gig! This was one that we had been looking forward to for months. The 36th International Upton Jazz Festival, held on the banks of the placid River Severn.

Crowds at Upton Jazz Festival
Crowds at Upton Jazz Festival. Photo: Malvern Gazette. Click to enlarge

When FiddleBop arrived, Upton-upon-Severn was alive with visitors and jazz! (And very hot, too.) After a riverside stroll and a listen to the bands playing there, Dave of course had to go to catch part of jazz violinist Ben Holder's set. Great stuff! But then, all too soon, it was time for FiddleBop to get ready, to follow the excellent Hotsy Totsy — a "Swinging All Ladies Jazz Band" — at the Bar 7 venue.

FiddleBop had a great time! Not just because of the appreciative audience when we kicked off with our "Gypsy jazz re-imagined", nor just from the pleasure we got hearing other wonderful bands, but also because former FiddleBop emeritus bass player Roger Davis appeared during our final set. He came along from out of nowhere. To give his regards, from Broadway. (If you don't get the humour here, don't worry. It isn't really that funny.) It was great to see you, Roger!

So that's the past. What about FiddleBop's near future? Well, we've got some smashing gigs coming up!

Babar Cafe-Bar, Hereford
Babar Cafe-Bar, Hereford. Colourful! Click to enlarge

First — and this one is happening "real soon now" — is a FiddleBop gig on Thursday of this week! This is at Babar Cafe-Bar (31 Union Street, Hereford HR1 2BT. 01432 342334,, from 7.30 pm on Thursday 6 July.

Babar is "the best and most colourful bar and music venue in Hereford". It's free entry, so if you are anywhere near Hereford, no excuses. Why not come along?

Next, FiddleBop is back in festival mode! We're on at Landed Festival (A470, Llandrindod Wells, Powys LD1 6HH. Tickets from

Landed Festival 2023
Landed Festival 2023. Click to enlarge

Landed Festival 2023 runs from 28-30 July. It was the winner of the "Best Welsh Festival" award in 2019, is in a great location next to the River Wye, and boasts of "pub prices, affordable food, bonkers visual art, and old school party vibe".

A view of Landed Festival 2023
A view of Landed Festival and its very nice setting next to the River Wye. Click to enlarge

There are three dance stages and four live stages (two of them in a circus marquee); also free workshops, a large variety of local caterers, kids activities in the Landed Kidz area, and a "Pimp My Duck Race" (really!). With, as the sun sets, fireside stories, songs and drumming, and fire shows. As the organisers say, "Landed Festival has something to suit all tastes." We have to agree. Landed certainly sounds like fun to us!

FiddleBop will be on the Kaos Stage from 4-5 pm on Friday 28 July 2023. See you there?

Brecon Jazz Festival 2023
The logo for Brecon Jazz Festival 2023. Click to enlarge

Then in August FiddleBop will be playing at Brecon Jazz Festival, twice. Yaaaaay! We're really looking forward to this!

Brecon Jazz Festival began in 1984, and has hosted world-class jazz musicians from across the world. And a young Dave busked there — in a car park — along with whizzo Brighton guitarist Chris Wolferstan, in the late 1980s! Nostalgia aside: according to the logo, this year is the festival's 40th anniversary. (However you might wish to check this using the clue in the first sentence of this paragraph, and a calculator: I did!)

Brecon Jazz Festival, showing crowds
Brecon Jazz Festival and those hordes. Click to enlarge

Fortieth anniversary or not, Brecon Jazz is one of the fixtures of the UK jazz world, and attracts hordes of people to Brecon. This year the multi-venue festival runs from 11-13 August. Some events (including both FiddleBop spots) are free. But others — too many to list here — require tickets, which are available from There is also a thriving Brecon Fringe Festival which runs alongside Brecon Jazz.

The interior of St Mary's, Brecon
The interior of St Mary's, Brecon. Click to enlarge

So what is FiddleBop doing in Brecon Jazz? Our first spot will be playing at a workshop for the Frazz Parade (jointly organised by The Muse venue, Brecon, this), from 10 am to 1 pm on Saturday 12 August. This will be in the cool interior of St Mary's Church (Brecon, Powys LD3 7AA), and is free entry.

Then we play outside, on the Bulwark Stage, from 4 - 5 pm on the same day. Yaaaaay! Again, it's free.

So... we can't wait! And do you dare miss this, and all the other amazing music at Brecon Jazz? Thought not... See you there, we hope!

Cwmaman Music Festival (Cwmfest) 2023
Cwmaman Music Festival (Cwmfest) 2023. Click to enlarge

The final FiddleBop gig that I'm going to tell you about here is a definite newbie for us. It is at Cwmaman Music Festival (Cwmfest), near Aberdare. Cwmfest runs from 22-24 September, and "was formed for the benefit of people of all ages who enjoy live music, and to promote Cwmaman and the surrounding areas. The festival is back for its fourteenth year". I don't have details of the 2023 programme yet, but the lineups for 2022 and previous years look to be great, with music of all kinds.

FiddleBop will be playing from 5 - 6 pm on Sunday 24 September, on The Globe Stage. So if you fancy a trip to the Valleys, and some "Gypsy jazz re-imagined" from FiddleBop, then we'll see you there!

Finally... as always, I need to check that you wish to continue to receive FiddleBop newsletters. If you don't, then click here to unsubscribe, or send an unsubscribe-request email to If you don’t do either of these things then I’ll assume that you are happy to receive future FiddleBop newsletters.

Thank you! All the best Smiley

Dave (and Jo and Paul and Graeme... the FiddleBoppers)

Gypsy jazz re-imagined! Phone01982 560726 Mobile Phone07968 950870
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Future FiddleBop gigs!

This list of gigs is correct at the time of writing, but the list on our website is always up to date.

The gig! When/where is FiddleBop playing? Venue, occasion, whatever... Contact details

FiddleBop at Babar Cafe-Bar, Hereford, 6 July 2023

Free entry!

7.30 pm
Thursday 6 July 2023

Babar Cafe-Bar, Hereford

Babar Cafe-Bar, Hereford

"The best and most colourful bar and music venue in Hereford"

Babar Cafe-Bar
31 Union Street
Hereford HR1 2BT, UK

Invitation only. Sorry!

Saturday 22 July 2023

Private party

Llanfyllin, Powys, UK

Landed Festival 2023

Landed Festival
tickets here

4 - 5 pm
Friday 28 July 2023
Kaos Stage

A view of Landed Festival, Wales

Landed Festival 2023
28-30 July 2023

Landed Festival
A470, Llandrindod Wells
Powys LD1 6HH, UK

Brecon Jazz Festival and The Muse, Brecon

Brecon Jazz Festival
tickets here

St Mary's, Brecon

Free entry!
10 am - 1 pm on Saturday 12 August 2023 at St Mary's Church, Brecon, Powys LD3 7AA

Brecon Jazz Festival
11-13 August 2023

Brecon Jazz Festival
Powys, UK

Brecon Jazz Festival

Brecon Jazz Festival
tickets here

Free entry!
4 - 5 pm on Saturday 12 August 2023 at the Bulwark Stage

A view of Brecon Jazz Festival

Brecon Jazz Festival
11-13 August 2023

Brecon Jazz Festival
Powys, UK

Cwmaman Music Festival 2023

5 - 6 pm
Sunday 24 September 2023
The Globe Stage

Cwmaman Music Festival (CwmFest)
22-24 September 2023

Cwmaman Music Festival
26 Fforchneol Row
Rhondda Cynon Taf CF44 6HD, UK

The Rose and Crown, Oxford

Admission TBA

Early 2024
(Date TBA)

Oxford Jazz Kitchen gig at
The Rose and Crown, Oxford

The Rose and Crown
North Parade Avenue
Oxon OX2 6LX, UK

Gypsy jazz re-imagined!  Phone01982 560726  Mobile Phone07968 950870 
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